27 February 2009

The Stationary Set @ Fontana's, 2.7.09

After a lovely evening with Jay Brannan, we headed over to Fontana's in the LES for The Stationary Set, a band composed of Andrew Lutes (Vocals/Acoustic Guitar/Piano), Josh Hoisington (Backing Vocals/Keys/Guitar), Josh Davis (Backing Vocals/Keys/Guitar), Gabriel Kubitz (Bass), and Logan Baldwin (Drums). Originally from Michigan, The Stationary Set (lovingly abbreviated as "The Stat Set" by fans) was formed by Andrew and Josh H. and grew to include Josh D., Gabe, and Logan upon arrival in NYC.

Since the New York transformation, The Stat Set has been writing songs about life as a twenty-something living in Brooklyn...but don't be afraid! These guys are definitely not hipsters; more Park Slope than Williamsburg, the vibe is low-key, relaxed, and fun.

The show at Fontana's was short but amazing. With only thirty minutes to wow the audience, The Stat Set played songs from their highly anticipated upcoming EP, including "Constitution," "A Promise and a Threat," "Method Actor," and "This is Our Nature." The songs, composed by the band with lyrics by Andrew, are catchy but also unique. The vibe feels like a mix of Panic At the Disco, The Clash, and Robin Williams. (For those of you in the know, or from Rhode Island, they're also a more New York version of Zox.)

The guys are hilarious, incredibly musically talented, and compliment each other in some great ways. Andrew sings his lyrics with conviction and really connects with those of us who feel somewhat left out by the hipster/Williamsburg community. Josh H. plays what seems like three instruments at once, while singing, and never stops smiling. Josh D. is quiet onstage but has amazing chemistry with his guitar--and, DAMN, does that kid know how to play! Gabe is an incredibly talented bassist who frequently climbs on amps and jumps into the audience, pulling everyone into the fun that they're all having onstage. Logan is perhaps the quietest of all, but certainly makes his presence known by giving the songs a great beat. Not only are the guys talented, but each of their strengths compliment the others, creating an incredibly powerful sound.

The audience laughed with them, danced like crazy, and applauded like mad. The crowd consisted of friends of the band, fans, and those who had heard the buzz. By the end of the show, the whole audience was begging for an encore--but, alas, Fontana's had to get the other performers on stage.

Review and photos by Laura. For more photos, click here.

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